
You can always go back again, even when it's tough

I don't like August.

August means it's closer to fall, which used to be my favorite season until (in the recent past) it became my favorite season to get sad. So, I survive with an intense focus on boots, sweaters, university hoodies, football, hockey, and pumpkin spice lattes. All of these are very good distractions, and I am thankful to be able to divert my attention to such (let's be honest here) mundane things.

August also means a return to work, which is very hard to do when you've been off for two and a half months. I'm not going to get into how I think school should be year round (but dammit, it totally should), but I will say this: I get really tired of hearing people who are jealous of my summer break.

It sucks.

There is no happy balance from mid-August to June. Your body clock gets all screwed up. You are working your ass off and then all of a sudden you're not doing anything. All of your best friends don't work in the same job as you do, and their schedules are totally different, which makes getting together a challenge. It's a difficult adjustment to make, both at the beginning and end of summer. You all with NORMAL, year-round jobs seriously don't realize how lucky you have it.

So, once August rolls around and I need to revert back to professional mode, it's tough. I see all the school supplies in Target and it makes me want to turn around and walk out (or at least run with my eyes closed and ears blocked through all the crazy moms and elementary school teachers just so I can get my shampoo and 12-pack of Coke Zero). I turn on my horrible, no good, very bad work laptop and lament the fact we can't get nice equipment (you know, Macs). I look at the pile of binders I brought home and SWORE I was going to revamp during the summer and just laugh and say, "Nope! Screw you, I'm still on vacation!" I watch a lot of television. I self-medicate on cookies and wine. I cry for no good reason. I use retail therapy as a crutch. I spend my waning days doing nothing because I won't have the chance to do nothing for a really long time.

But once I actually return to work and am in the building, I'm FINE. Things just fall into place and the old becomes the familiar once again. Routines take shape. I love what I do when I'm doing it (just not when I'm forced to sit through pointless meetings).

So, sorry, but I don't like August. Even though all the distractions are pretty good, it's not enough to hide the fact that life gets hard in August. But, I keep reminding myself that all of this is temporary. In the meantime, you can find me curled up on the couch, watching Friday Night Lights, drinking a bottle of French wine and eating cookies.


Separated at Birth: Schmidt and Lochte

You love them. You celebrate their successes (Olympic medals! Dating a model!). You share their pain when things don't go quite right (Underperforming at the Olympics! Getting a penis cast!). But upon deeper thought, Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte and New Girl's Schmidt are more alike than you realize.

1. Both are attractive in their own ways.
As we've seen from Schmidt's spinning video, we know he's no athlete. Therefore, we can't compare them as athlete-athlete. But Schmidt has a good-looking face, and all of Lochte looks good. It's a win for women everywhere.

2. Both look better now than they have in the recent past.
Curly-haired Lochte? Fat Schmidt? UGH. Glad to see they've gotten better with age.

3. Both think entirely too highly of themselves.
Remember all that Lochte hype leading up to London 2012? Two days removed from the swimming events and what do we hear now? Nothing. He's very good and better than anybody reading this. But he's no Michael Phelps, nor will he ever be. As for Schmidt? He ordered personalized condoms.

4. Both are douchebags that should simply stand and not talk.
I think if you put both men in a room and had them talk, they'd have to put so much money in the Douchebag Jar that it could fix Spain's economy.
Schmidt: To Cece, what he loves about India: "I love 'Slumdog.' I love naan. I love pepper. I love Ben Kingsley; the stories of Rudyard Kipling. I have respect for cows, of course. I love the Taj Mahal, Deepak Chopra, anyone named Patel. I love monsoon. I love cobras in baskets."

5. Both are good at what they do.
Lochte has 11 Olympic medals (five gold, three silver, and three bronze). Not too shabby. And Schmidt has a decent job where he survives as the only male in an estrogen-charged marketing-ish office. I couldn't survive that, so Schmidt definitely deserves some credit.

6. I'm willing to bet serious money that Lochte has White Fanged someone before.

7. Both have a unique sense of fashion.
Schmidt: Tiny kimonos! Driving moccasins! Irish walking capes! Lap dance pants! "Good" pea coats!
Lochte: Diamond grills! Bedazzled green kicks! Hip-hop/frat boy! No Jeah!

(photo source: http://static02.mediaite.com/styleite/uploads/gallery/ryan-lochte-fashion/133506449_10.jpg)
If Lochte brings us this sort of joy from London, imagine what Rio will bring!

This is what takes up my brain space. Happy August, everyone.