
One Week

I have one week left in my 20s. And I'm not freaking out. I'm not sad. I'm not feeling down about what I've done and what I haven't done in life yet. I'm more concerned with getting all of my work done for the week so I can completely enjoy my upcoming long (surprise!) weekend.

I don't think there's a point about dwelling on what I've done/haven't done in my 20s. I'm pretty damn happy with my life and I don't regret anything except never taking dance lessons when I was younger. I've traveled. I've played. I've received a quality education and become a professional. And I know that my next decade will bring more traveling, more playing, and (perhaps) more changes in my career and education. And this is enough for me, but I'm not settling, either. I think #30daysofawesome is going to turn into #30yearsofawesome.

Speaking of #30daysofawesome, here's an update:
  • I've pampered myself with a delicious order from Lush and have spent many a night detoxing from the day surrounded by bubbles and steam from the tub.
  • I began learning Spanish with some excellent CDs. I believe I'll be conversational and able to get by in Spain by this time next year!
  • I've finished reading Delirium, but not Jayber Crow. With that said, I'll finish The Marriage Plot today. Mr. Berry's book is beautiful, but I can only read so much of it at a time before I fall asleep.
  • Guilty-pleasure food and TV existed, but not as much as I wanted.
  • I've swam, but not attended any yoga classes.
  • I got my first (mild) concussion. It's not fun. It's a good thing I saved that ice wrap from when my wisdom teeth were removed, because I spent last week icing the back of my head. This happened during curling, by the way. There go my Olympic dreams.
  • There were no movies yet or manicures. This needs to change.
  • I FINALLY had a snow day and the best Valentine's Day gift of an impromptu ski trip. Dinner at a new (to us) restaurant followed our skiing, and it was DELISH. Seriously, central Virginia has some food gems in the middle of nowhere.
Last week of my 20s? BRING IT.


Why I'm a Winter Girl

Everybody has a favorite season, a particular time of the year when they just shine. They spend the other three-quarters of the year pleading for that favorite season to come around again. Spring is beautiful to me. It brings dogwoods in bloom, my anniversary, and the start of flower and vegetable gardening, both of which I love. Summer means roof-top poolside with a book and endless opportunities to travel. Fall used to be my favorite season because of sweaters, warm drinks, crisp air, and football, but it's just too sad for me now, no matter how much I try to indulge (and overindulge) in my favorite things. I like little things about each season, but I've always had a love affair with winter.

Winter and snow, to me, are romantic and fascinating. I love bundling up in my warmest clothes under blankets, feeling so cozy and safe while the wind make the snow swirl on the ground and in the air. There's always that shock factor of just how cold it is when you walk out the door; if you're feeling groggy, you immediately wake up when you step outside. Boots always made me feel bigger and tougher, stomping through snow and slush puddles. After a big snow and the sun peeks out, I love the almost-unbearable brightness and how everything just sparkles. Snow is pure and clean and makes the rest of the grit-covered world beautiful once again.

Winter brings intense, snowy weather events. I remember the ice storm of the late 80s in the Fayettenam, when we lost power for days and my dad cooked my favorite soup in a pot on top of our wood burner in the basement. I remember the Pittsburgh snowstorms of the early 90s. I remember the snow was so deep that PennDOT trucks couldn't get through, and instead heavy machinery had to clear our roads. I remember the snow drifts being about 13-feet high. I also remember the snow drifts being so deep I could walk on top of them and not fall through. I remember sledding and tubing in my backyard (with a perfect hill for sledding) with my parents and laughing hysterically when they would flip out and fly through the air. I remember making huge batches of hot chocolate and being allowed to let the cats inside because it was too cold for them to be out.

Winter and snow means winter sports. Once I learned to ski in 1996, winter quickly became better than any other season ever could. I love skiing so much (I'm sure Mom & Dad were glad, too, after shelling out $$$ on all new equipment before I even hit the slopes) and I'm thrilled it's something the Best Husband Ever and I enjoy doing together, even if he's much faster than I am. I love the cold, the sound my skis make while making sharp turns, the thrill of mastering a tough slope, not falling often but laughing hysterically when I do, and rushing to get in just one more run before closing. I don't participate in many sports, but skiing is something I could do all the time, if only it was winter all the time.

Finally, winter and snow means being snowed in and not going to school or work. When I was a kid, the joke was always "Welcome to Pennsylvania: Two hour delay, no morning kindergarten." In college, I think classes were cancelled once, maybe? I do remember being stuck at a Hampton Inn after a weekend away. I love being snowed in, but not by myself in a hotel off the interstate for two days. I racked up an astronomical cell phone bill and I've never watched so much CNN in my life. But being snowed in as an adult is rather enjoyable. There is plenty of time to read, snuggle, and walk around the city to find an open (and warm) restaurant. There is time to throw the very indoor cat in the snow just to see what she does (answer: FREAK OUT). There is time to shovel driveways and make soup and nap. Snow days are lazy and rejuvenating, and everyone needs one once in a while.

So you can keep your heat, your spring showers, and your colorful leaves. I only want winter and that cozy feeling I get when I see those big, beautiful flakes fall.



Kudos to one of my oldest and bestest friends for coming up with this BRILLIANT idea: 30 days before your thirtieth birthday, you need to start doing one awesome thing each day. Because our 20s are fleeting, there is a need to make the best of them before our next decade arrives. Now from what I've heard, 30 is great and I have no reason to fear it (and I won't wear black unless, like my favorite British friend, it's a hot new little black dress). But still, there is a need to make 29 go out with a bang!

29: It's not just a highway in Virginia.

So I've been thinking of what #30daysofawesome will include. Keep in mind that my definition of awesome probably differs from everyone else's. And I want all 30 days to be full of awesome, even if some days are repeats. For instance, last night was awesome because of the fun dinner and drinks with friends, followed by a relaxing bath and fizzy bath bomb from Lush. I'm of the impression that EVERYBODY needs more Lush in their lives, so it's okay if I do this at least three more times. It's my #30daysofawesome and I said so. Also allowed are some of the plans I need to do, but am so excited about them that they fall under this category.

#30daysofawesome means becoming an Olympic hopeful.
Just kidding.

#30daysofawesome shall include (but is not limited to) the following:
  • More Lush bath bombs for pampering
  • Learning Spanish (a necessity since my travels will take me there in 2013)
  • Finishing at least two books I've started (Jayber Crow and Delirium)
  • While my husband is at the HIMSS conference, the cat and I will be at HERSS. This includes lots of Polish/Slovak food, like my grandmother's recipe for chicken paprikash, and plenty of guilty-pleasure TV (probably rewatching all of Downton Abbey).
  • Swimming (regularly)
  • Yoga (somewhat regularly)
  • Seeing The Descendants and The Artist in the theatres
  • A desperately needed manicure
  • Eating out at new restaurants the husband and I both deem worthy to be open for business (we're food snobs, so this is easier said than done).
  • More curling victories (gooooo team Sweeping Beauties!) and me scoring more points with my fancy skills
  • A snow day
  • A weekend getaway to my favorite American big city, with a surprise itinerary!
Today's #30daysofawesome? A long-overdue massage and dinner at a C-ville establishment. Not a shabby way to begin saying adios to my 20s! If you have any suggestions for what else to include in my list, please let me know. I'm game for anything!