
When you love what you do...

Summer for teachers is usually a time to catch up on all the sleep they didn't get throughout the year, recharge, make doctor's appointments, vacation, and generally morph back into a functioning human. I can happily say I'm achieving all of those (eye doctor? check! sleeping? check! vacation? check! feeling slightly normal? check!). However, I'm also still working.
I'm thrilled to be back at my FAVORITEJOBINTHEWORLD at The University, teaching the gifted children and remembering that not all students are awful. My course this year on The Hunger Games has filled me with enthusiasm I haven't felt in years. These kids are making connections I haven't even considered. They're young, fun, and willing to think about virtually every aspect of the books. They're happy to work hard. And they're so eager to discuss these books I can barely keep them quiet. It's perfect.
I'm beginning to remember what it's like to be in a job you love. Yeah, I'm only a week in and by the end of July I might be a little burned out. I may have analyzed Peeta's transformation to death. But it's not very often when you go in to work early because you're eager to get started. And it's not very often when you wish you had another couple hours each day to continue the lesson. It's a good feeling.
And it's a feeling that has me seriously considering where my future in education will be.

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