

I feel so scatterbrained at this time of year. My work-focused mind is saying,
(source: http://i.imgur.com/giOntby.gif)

At the same time, my summer-brain is kicking in, saying,
(source: http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr05/2013/5/20/10/anigif_enhanced-buzz-3254-1369060826-16.gif)

And (what should come as no surprise) it's incredibly difficult to find a happy balance between the two. I want to stay late and crank out work at my desk AND go home early and have a dinner consisting of hummus and red wine. And I can't do both. So, I continue to work in overdrive, but sometimes the lazy is in overdrive, too. So what I'm left with are weird thoughts and mild obsessions that fizzle out as quickly as they arrived. Here's a sampling:

  • Were we the only ones who cracked up when Peggy stabbed Abe ("The Better Half")? Because I thought it was HYSTERICAL.
  • Two days after a weed-pulling marathon, I'm still in a serious amount of pain. I even dreamt about centipede grass and giant roots. This is just more proof that I need to get my lazy tail to the gym stat.
  • I'm happy to not have to work on Memorial Day, but dammit, it really screwed up my work calendar for what little of the semester is left.
  • I should give up thinking I'm going to grade everything that is left in my pile. I don't think anyone will care.
  • I think we have four episodes of "House of Cards" to watch on Netflix before it's the end of the first season, and most of our reactions are us yelling "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!"
  • With that said, I love it, and Kevin Spacey is fantastically evil. And he's Macbeth. And therefore I love it, because apparently I have a sick mind.
  • I still haven't had time to organize/edit/play with photos from California or my friend's wedding. And this makes me sad.
  • A trip to Lowe's automatically means a trip to Chick-fil-A. I've had a lot of waffle fries in the past week.
  • I feel lucky to be blessed with good neighbors.
  • I don't recall loving a team as much as I love this year's Penguins. All of them. Even Tyler Kennedy.
  • I've scared my cat with my yelling during hockey games and sent The Husband to quieter areas of the house. I'm nothing if not loud.
  • My food laziness the past couple weeks has me worried that I won't complete my summer project. But I also think that feeling will pass once I have a break from work.
  • I may have disassociated myself from WVU, but nothing makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside than standing in a circle with The Six, singing "Country Roads." Chills of happiness.
  • Need to feel happy? She & Him, Volumes 1, 2, and 3.
  • The only thing I've read for pleasure since spring break has been 2/3 of The Great Gatsby (again). I'll fix that soon.
Here's hoping I can kick it down a notch in the next couple weeks!

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