
One Week

I have one week left in my 20s. And I'm not freaking out. I'm not sad. I'm not feeling down about what I've done and what I haven't done in life yet. I'm more concerned with getting all of my work done for the week so I can completely enjoy my upcoming long (surprise!) weekend.

I don't think there's a point about dwelling on what I've done/haven't done in my 20s. I'm pretty damn happy with my life and I don't regret anything except never taking dance lessons when I was younger. I've traveled. I've played. I've received a quality education and become a professional. And I know that my next decade will bring more traveling, more playing, and (perhaps) more changes in my career and education. And this is enough for me, but I'm not settling, either. I think #30daysofawesome is going to turn into #30yearsofawesome.

Speaking of #30daysofawesome, here's an update:
  • I've pampered myself with a delicious order from Lush and have spent many a night detoxing from the day surrounded by bubbles and steam from the tub.
  • I began learning Spanish with some excellent CDs. I believe I'll be conversational and able to get by in Spain by this time next year!
  • I've finished reading Delirium, but not Jayber Crow. With that said, I'll finish The Marriage Plot today. Mr. Berry's book is beautiful, but I can only read so much of it at a time before I fall asleep.
  • Guilty-pleasure food and TV existed, but not as much as I wanted.
  • I've swam, but not attended any yoga classes.
  • I got my first (mild) concussion. It's not fun. It's a good thing I saved that ice wrap from when my wisdom teeth were removed, because I spent last week icing the back of my head. This happened during curling, by the way. There go my Olympic dreams.
  • There were no movies yet or manicures. This needs to change.
  • I FINALLY had a snow day and the best Valentine's Day gift of an impromptu ski trip. Dinner at a new (to us) restaurant followed our skiing, and it was DELISH. Seriously, central Virginia has some food gems in the middle of nowhere.
Last week of my 20s? BRING IT.

1 comment:

  1. Great list of ways to kick off your 30s! And I'm in complete agreement on Downton Abbey. I've just watched episode 4 and am enthralled. If you haven't written a blog post of favorite can't-put-it-down reads, I'd like to request a quick Randi's top 5 list ...
