
'Tis the Season that's Finally Over

The phone has stopped ringing. Friendly strangers are no longer knocking on my door. And the highways have (mostly) been cleaned of the signs that littered them.

Election season is over, friends, and I couldn't be happier.

It was stressful. In fact, I don't think I've ever felt this invested in an election before. I'm a proud democrat and have been my whole life, so I'm satisfied with the results. Is Obama perfect? No. In fact, my views probably align a little more closely to the Green Party, but I live in a swing state and wasn't about to take any chances with Virginia's outcome. But I think Race to the Top is some serious crap, and I'm happy that I'm not forced to belong to a union just because of my job. I wish education had different leadership at the federal level and teachers -- for once -- caught a break.

But I'm also happy that we have a president who has earned the respect of world leaders. One who respects women and our rights to make decisions about our bodies with our doctors. One who wants us to have clean air and water and believes in other options besides antiquated energy resources. And one who believes it doesn't matter who you love, you should have the same rights as anyone else (and also have the right to serve your country without hiding). I'm happy we have a first lady making strides with nutrition and setting a positive example, showing us it really does matter what we put in our bodies. And I'm happy we have four more years of seeing cute pictures of Bo.

Unfortunately, I have to report that some friends and family members have said some hateful things and have tried to start arguments. I'm sad that my father has felt intimidated at work because of his liberal beliefs and worried he couldn't put an Obama sign in his yard because he feared vandalism. However, I'm thankful I had very civil discussions with friends whose views could not be more opposite mine. And as policy is shaped throughout the next four years, I hope those conversations can continue. It's good to be informed, listen to analysis (instead of yelling pundits), and draw your own conclusions, not what your 24-hour cable station du jour is telling you.

But I need a break. America needs a break. And right now, I'd like to go back to focusing on baking, boots, and books, not bitterness and binders.