I apologize for my absence, as I haven't been feeling very inspired lately to write, but I finally came around. I have lots of post ideas that bubble underneath my little surface, but some of them I just don't know if they're worthy of clicking Publish Post. Maybe one day. I digress.
Here's a small list of what has inspired me or made me stupidly happy today, this week, lately, etc.
- Swimming, and even sharing a lane. Why? Because now when I'm forced to share a lane, I'm challenging myself against the other swimmer, whether he or she has blue hair or looks like a triathlete. It feels good.
- Taking classes. Last night, I signed up for a computer science course. What?! It's free. There are no textbooks. It's online. And it's taught by a UVa professor. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Now, to sign up for those library media courses...
- This site, which has made me drool over my keyboard (HT to jcs for sharing, when I needed food inspiration so terribly badly).
- Knowing that I'm big enough of a dork to do this to a pan of brownies.
- Playoff hockey. I love having multiple heart attacks at 30. I love the yelling. I love the intensity, the hits, the goals, the saves, and the fans. Basically, I love everything about it (except the heartbreak of an overtime loss, but hopefully there will be no more of that anytime soon). Go Pens.
- This Vanity Fair article about juicy gossip from the filming of Cabaret.
- Reading The House at Tyneford. I'm only 60-some pages in, but I LOVE IT. Love it. If I didn't want to go out and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, I would curl up in bed and just read it forever. Did I mention that I love it so far?
- The belief that one day, my house will be perfectly organized. It may not be any time soon, but one day.
- I'm such a bad person for laughing so hard at this, but the @FatBettyFrancis Twitter account cracks me up every single time. At least Hell will be full of fun people and Bugles, and it'll be warm.
- Knowing that I have seven measly weeks of work left, and that afterwards, I'm teaching the most awesome class on The Hunger Games. My excitement for this is almost scary.
- Trying new restaurants. Will tonight's dinner finally prove that C'ville isn't a black hole for Italian food? Please, dear God, be authentic.
So, my lieblings, what has inspired you lately, or what has made you stupidly happy? Do share!