2011 wasn't a bad year, by any means. I was able to travel, blessed to see England, Scotland, and parts of NYC I hadn't discovered before. I got back into the pool and made my Martini Pouch disappear (temporarily). I vowed to make changes in my work environment, and while I'm not completely satisfied, things have improved greatly. I gardened. I read. I baked. I shopped. I laughed. I cried. I loved my husband. I hugged my friends. I hugged my cat. I watched hockey. I won my fantasy football league (two years in a row). I procrastinated. I was the Queen of Getting Shit Done. I lead a charmed life.
I have no room to complain about anything, and yet I find myself becoming more anxious, more high-strung. The little things cannot bug me anymore. That whole "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..." ? Yeah, that. And however I need to do it this year, dammit, that's what I'm going to do. So instead of spazzing, here's what's going to get me to my ultimate happy place:
- Read more: I read about 25 books last year, and while that seems like a lot, I wish I could have read more. I need to take the time to not worry about work or life or people who don't matter and fall into another world full of history, adventure, love, and food.
- Cook/bake more: I may not be the greatest cook, but I was blessed to inherit my grandmother's baking skills. I plan on putting them to work this year. This past year, I discovered how happy I am in the kitchen creating, covered with flour and powdered sugar. More pie for everyone!
- Find/rediscover a hobby and stick to it: I love to swim, and I'm determined to get back in the pool as soon as possible. I finally have access to my piano again, and although I'm rusty, I didn't buy the sheet music to Adele's 21 for nothing. I will play and sing at the same time and get lost in it.
- Keep my house clean: We live in a perfectly tiny house in a perfectly wonderful college town. I don't want it in pristine-nearly-unlivable-magazine condition, but I'd like to not get angry when I walk into a spare room. And if only the cat would do her part and not shed everywhere (pipe dream)...
- Grow more food: If you would've told me 10 years ago that I'd enjoy gardening, I would have laughed in your face. Loudly. But, it's true, and this year the goal is to make the garden MUCH bigger. Because, why have 17 tomato plants when you can have 20?
- Travel more: I have the means. And just because I can't go to Europe every single summer doesn't mean I can't hop on a train and explore my own country.
- Declutter: Whether it's my house, my desk at work, or letting go of the people who don't matter, I think focusing on this will allow me to lead a happier, healthier 2012.
I will happily share my adventures in reading and baking, traveling and staying put, decluttering and shopping, wish lists and this girl's needs. 2012 is going to be full of all sorts of good. Come live it with me.